The Downtown Lincoln BID Association is an association led by a volunteer board representing three downtown business improvement districts that fund the work that keeps our downtown safe, clean and thriving.
What is a BID?
The International Downtown Association estimates that more than 1,000 business improvement districts (BIDs) currently operate throughout the United States and Canada. A BID provides enhanced improvements and activities, such as economic development, parking management, maintenance and marketing, in addition to those provided by local government. BIDs are proven to work by providing services that improve the overall viability of business districts – resulting in higher property values, occupancies and sales.
Downtown Lincoln Business Improvement Districts
Established in 1989 by downtown property and business owners, in cooperation with the Downtown Lincoln Association (DLA) and the City of Lincoln, the Downtown Business Improvement Districts (BIDs) are special benefits assessment districts that convey special benefits to the properties located with the district boundaries. The management BIDs provide enhanced economic development, communications and advocacy programs above and beyond those provided by the City. The Maintenance BID provides landscape maintenance, daily trash removal, sidewalk cleaning and anything that ensures a clean, safe and inviting downtown. BIDs have been used successfully in downtown Lincoln since 1979, improving the district’s business climate by attracting new investment, jobs and civic improvement projects and improving the overall image of downtown.
The three Downtown BIDs are overlaid with the following general boundaries:
- The Downtown BID includes approximately 103 blocks of downtown Lincoln bounded roughly by K, Arena Drive, Q and 21st Streets.
- The Core BID Overlay includes approximately 44 blocks within the center of Downtown Lincoln and the Haymarket District, bounded roughly by Centennial Mall, M, Arena Drive and Q Streets
- The Maintenance BID includes approximately 319 block faces of Downtown Lincoln bounded roughly by M, Arena Drive, Q and 21st Streets.

BID Services:
Maintenance BID
319 block faces, 9 FTE and 4 PTE
- Daily trash removal
- Weekly sidewalk cleaning
- Landscape maintenance
- Tree and shrub replacement
- Curb ramp snow removal
- Holiday decorating
- Trouble-shooting (“eyes and ears” for downtown)
Management BIDs
103 blocks, 5 FTE and 4 PTE
- Advocacy for downtown ratepayers, businesses
- Facilitation of development process/projects
- Investor and consumer marketing
- Business recruitment assistance
- Technical assistance for small businesses
- Parking database, information and referral
- Data collection, research and information dissemination for economic development
- Holiday lighting, purchase building displays
- Replace outdated street furnishings
- Hotel/visitor promotion – parking subsidy for major conferences and events
- Feasibility studies, market analysis, implementation places
Products & Publications
1. Web Page includes:
- Space Available Guide
- Downtown Living Database
- Business Directory
- Interactive Maps
- Downtown Dining, Shopping, Parking Map
- Downtown Visitor’s Guide
- Economic Development/business recruitment information
- Live Event Calendar
- Up-To-Date News/Blogs
- Sporting Event Information
- Hotel Information
- Downtown Job Board
- Downtown Specials
- Local Music Resources
2. Other:
- Annual Report
- Benchmarking Statistics
- Newsletter – monthly publication sent out to 7000 people or businesses
- Business newsletter – monthly publication sent out to all downtown businesses
- Downtown Visitor Guide – distribute 100,000 per year
- Downtown Homeless Outreach call list and workshops